Amiri” is a groundbreaking musical short video created by Putak (Pooria Arab) and Amin Kazemi. Recognized as one of the most expensive music video productions in Iran’s music industry, it showcases six distinct genres, blending cultural and modern musical elements with high artistic and production value. This ambitious project highlights their creative vision and innovation in the music industry.
Story Concepts by Putak & Amin Kazemi
Executive Producer: Alara Chapters
Directed By: Kia Muzaffar, Co-directed by Mobin Bagherzadeh
Putaks Team: Amir Salar Khosravani, Arshak Haghani, Bardia Alipoor
Producers: Alkonoiz, Yung spacey, Kagan, Wartan, Lil esi, Saman beats, Nickobeatz, parsaqw, yxnglost